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Irina Vladimirovna Abakumova 

Senior researcher

Southern Federal University

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Degree: Doctor of Sciences

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Research interests:

a problem of sense-making, a problem of personnel selection and professional suitability of persons, working in the security services, informational technologies in the diagnostic and correctional work with children and teenagers, acceleration and retardation in education and development, psychodidactics, psychology of sense and notional pedagogics, tolerance in multicultural education environment, life-purpose strategies of children and youth, life values and peculiarities of person's notional realization.

Research projects:

Abakumova I.V. is the director and does the scientific management of the “ South-regional center of tolerance and prevention of violence and extremism”, she is the vice-chief of the center. She is doing huge work scientific and practice work with grants of Ministry of Education and Science in the area of youth politics, pedagogy and psychology of closed NIR with FSB RF and NAR RF in the sphere of opposition to the ideology of extremism and terrorism of RF. She is the advisor and the leading psychologist in the city center in the sphere of the work with gifted children in the center “ The Gift”. She is doing expert work in the Institute of training and professional retraining of education of Rostov Region

1. Threats of national safety in the conditions of a geopolitical competition and model of aggressive and hostile behavior of youth in the south of Russia

2. Counteraction to distribution of ideology of terrorism and extremism under the Federal Program Counterterrorism

3. Development and implementation of models of interaction between institutions of higher education in general and the implementation of comprehensive high school programs focused on the development of giftedness in children and adolescents on the basis of the center at a large university located in South or the North Caucasus Federal District under the Federal Program of education

4. Aggressive and hostile behavioural strategies at persons with different DNA-markers

5. Mechanisms and technology impact of terrorist and anti-terrorist contents on consciousness of Internet users


  • Pedagogical psychology
  • Thinking and speech
  • Communicative technologies of the directed notional translation
  • Technologies of direct and indirect impact onto a person's axiological sphere
  • Theory of notional initiation

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